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Our Aims


  1. To educate Down Syndrome children and children with other learning disabilities to a level that may allow them to integrate into the community as

  2. To create greater awareness about our children now, so that they may be better understood in the future


The education programme we have adopted is based on the “Washington” system, and our kids get a lot of one-on-one training whenever required.  The results speak for themselves (see Parents Reports below).  The school has a junior class and a senior class.  In addition to this, our very dedicated teaching staff have included in the itinerary extra-mural activities such as horse riding, pottery, swimming, tennis coaching, ball skills training, domestic science, basic computer skills.  Whilst the school atmosphere is a relaxed one, there is an element of discipline, and the overall effect is one of enjoyment and fulfillment.

 Up with Downs enjoys close ties with our neighbouring school, Holy Cross Primary.  Our kids occasionally make use of their facilities, often make use of their tuck shop!, and are regularly invited to their functions.  There is a tremendous amount of interaction between the kids, and it is always heart-warming to witness and so beneficial for our kids to be recognized.  Moreover, both parties learn from these get-togethers!

 We also enjoy a very healthy relationship with the local weekly, the George Herald, who are always willing to insert any editorials we may have, and we make a point of including as many photos as possible.  The heightened awareness that has been created by our PR work has been of tremendous help to all, and the school is now accepted as an integral part of the George community education system.

 And now, as we create and work with this very tool that you are reading, we hope that our website will continue to spread the word even more powerfully about our noble cause.


Wine Auction - 10 June          Wine Auction - 10 June          Wine Auction - 10 June          Wine Auction - 10 June          Wine Auction - 10 June          Wine Auction - 10 June          Wine Auction - 10 June          Wine Auction - 10 June          Wine Auction - 10 June          Wine Auction - 10 June          Wine Auction - 10 June          Wine Auction - 10 June          Wine Auction - 10 June          Wine Auction - 10 June          Wine Auction - 10 June          Wine Auction - 10 June          Wine Auction - 10 June